And so, our team of three (so far) set out to accomplish that which only fraternity pledges would do on a seven-beer dare - to complete the Los Angeles Tough Mudder course.
With things like fire hoses, bonfires, and electrical shocks in addition to a seven mile run and climb, preparing one's body as well as soul is critical.
This blog, the Orestes Project, serves to catalog exercises of all stripes team members take in preparation for the event. It is named after the greek hero Orestes, who is often portrayed as being plagued by madness and obtains purification through a trial of hardship by going up a mountain. It is madness that binds us all in our decision to undertake the task at hand, purification of mind and body being the prize we all seek, and the Big Bear Mountain Range being the location upon which we will make our stand.
I figured that this blog, similarly to my friend Zlisto's Quest for Perfection blog that he used to document workout routines, give nod to paragons to which he aspired, and his occasional glazed doughnut binges, would help us keep all stay on track. So record, wax poetic, and share your comments.
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